ID: 6155
델페 기사단 작전 지시서
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범주: 칼페온 북부 모험일지

- 설명 :
하피와의 전투가 한창인 델페 기사단 성에서 작전병 제론이 작성한 작전 지시서다.
[메인 의뢰]로 획득 가능
칼페온 지역
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정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
Anonymous 3-11-2016 22:36
On the table of Captain
xtrm 29-05-2023 06:16
In order to get this knowledge you have to play the full main questline, you cannot get it using the simplified questline that is available for a season char. When you get to the Heidel crossroad you have to select the LEFT option, which is called "The Lamenting Head of the League of Merchants" ( ).

You then continue to play through the questline all the way until you get to the category "[I] Apparent Ambition". The fifth quest of that category is called "Delivery of the Operation Orders" ( ). You can then interact with the Operation Orders on the table. This gives you the knowledge.

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