- 설명 : 알티노바가 지어진 후 각지에서 몰려든 상인들의 연합이다. 연합의 중심은 셴 상인회이며, 소속으로는 희귀 물품을 취급하는 까마귀 및 오신 상단있으며, 그 밖에 작은 상단 다섯 개가 더 포함되어있는 것으로 알려졌다.[의뢰]로 획득 가능 메디아 상인회
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I don't know if this changed, but I got mine today from talking to Kuldu. I didn't have to do the Merchant's Union quest for it. I was on the Desire for Better Weapons quest and happened to need to talk to this guy for it. Not sure if the quest was a pre-requisite, but I got the knowledge from him with 5 energy, no problem.
I have finished both side and I still cannot have this knowledge so I don't know what is the issue here. Now I'm doing again maybe I missed something but I doubt it.
For this knowledge you need to complete the Mediah Main Story quest line, but you need to pick the correct cross roads. When you get the choice for a cross roads in Mediah you need to take the crossroad on the left, the one for Sarma Anin. If you pick the one on the right for Neruda Shen you will not be able to get this. Once you complete the story for Mediah you need to go talk to Kuldu who will have the knowledge, he is the Luxury Vendor for Altinova.