ID: 4784
돌연변이 오우거
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획득 확률: 10.00%
범주: 변종

- 설명 :
오우거 중 가장 큰 몸집을 자랑하는 개체로, 추측할 수 없는 크기에 놀란 자들이 돌연변이라는 칭호를 붙여 부르고 있다.

수 많은 모험가가 명예에 눈이 멀어 도전한 뒤 주먹과 발에 짓눌려 죽어갔는데, '겨우 살아서 돌아왔다'는 말을 전하는 모험가를 제외하고는 돌아온 자가 아무도 없다.
돌연변이 오우거
에서 얻은:
- 돌연변이 오우거
에서 얻은:
- 돌연변이 오우거
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icon - [조사 : 돌연변이] 의외의 의리
정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
Eriobea 23-02-2023 12:56
In order to acquire this knowledge you need to complete a quest: ; starting point of the questchain leading to this quest is . To atleast start this quest you'll need alchemy skilled 1 and during the questchain you'll get asked to craft multiple thingy, nothing hard or extremly expensive in fact; If somehow alchemy is annoying to you,keep in mind that Shais do start with alchemy pro 1 and are then ready to do the quest as soon as they are high level enough and done with main quest/amity with the quest giver.
Be aware that you can actually get this knowledge only ONCE PER ACCOUNT!!! So please use everything you can in order to achieve higher rank grade (elixir/pet/event bonusses...)! If somehow you get a low grade, well you are not alone sadly.In order to change this system i made a feedback on the official forum , you can got there and support the feedback by adding one upvote , and maybe one day PA will allow us to "reroll" this knowledge.

NB:this is the case for some knowledges and i extend the feedback as soon as i discover another knowledge in that case; already made a ticket for that and the GM just told me to go to feedback section. If in any case you deleted the knowledge, try to ask for a new one in a ticket as its your sole solution(which i can't guarantee).
Why getting high grade is important: Decreased damage received when the target hit you; Deal extra damage to the target (which can be interessting in order to achieve DPS rank against world bosses);Extra drop rate (even if it may or may not work against world bosses);Ecology point system;personal completion.
unika 9-02-2025 19:21
Сейчас его можно убить, нас было 3 человека, атака примерно 320+. В соло убила за 30 минут.

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