ID: 3559
Murrowak Carnelian
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범주: Everfrost Adventure Log I

- 설명 :
With different colors ranging from glowing orange to yellow and even brown, Murrowak Carnelian is primarily used for weapons or furniture decoration, and it is sometimes used to craft precious accessories. That's why many people do not even dare to imagine that this beautiful mineral is formed by the solidified excrement of Murrowaks. However, the miners who actually mine Murrowak Carnelian say that most of what they do is sort out Murrowak excrement fossils and ore. There are controversies as to why the excrement of Murrowaks turns into minerals, but it is assumed that it's related to the habits of the Murrowaks that roam about hard rocks.
Murrowak Carnelian
에서 얻은:
- Murrowak Carnelian
정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
kormann 28-08-2022 09:40
Caso já tenha feito as quest priscipais.
Fale com Marni, ele terá uma quest diária de pesca.
Pesque 4 pesquisas, entregue a quest, fale com ele novamente e pegue os 4 conhecimentos que ele disponibiliza pelas trocas
If you have already done the main quests.
Talk to Marni, he will have a daily fishing quest.
Fish 4 researches, turn in the quest, talk to him again and get the 4 knowledge he makes available through trades
kalmage136 25-05-2022 10:58
Can be obtained easily if you're doing the winter main story quest: "Tori throwing a tantrum" - you'll be given Lando's Fishing Rod. You can "catch" 4 of the quest-item before completing the quest, exchange the quest item for these knowledges.

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