ID: 11770
Jang Iksoon, Hyungam of Dalbeol
icon 지식
범주: 우두머리

- 설명 :
What are you all doing!?
Take down those criminals this instant!!
Do you realize whose orders you are disobeying?!
I will show you what the law does to those who flagrantly disregard it!

- Jang Iksoon, Hyungam of Dalbeol -

※ Learn more about the story in Adventure Log - Storybook - Donghae - Tale of Sangoon.
Jang Iksoon, Hyungam of Dalbeol
에서 얻은:
- Jang Iksoon
에서 얻은:
icon - [Oduksini] A Father and Son Conversation
정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
Tsoth 26-04-2024 01:50
How do you raise this knowledge? See here is says you obtain the knowledge from that oduksini quest but if that's so if i want to raise it am I supposed to lose the knowledge and try again until I get it to S? I certainly can'T redo the quest again and again with the same char because the knowledge is a quest reward so once you get it, you'Re done, you have to use an alt then? Is it this stupid? I tried redoing the quest with an alt without losing the knowledge first but it didn't raise the grade. This is so frustrating AND stupid. Like sorry PA, if you're gonna have an ecology knowledge, how about you make it so it's a boss or mob I can fight again and again at will? I mean yes some of the bosses have always been tied to a quest but it's easy to forfeit and redo the boss until you get an S. This is not the case here clearly.
Sackey 8-07-2024 09:34
Don't remove the knowledge; redo the full LoML main quests and you will obtain a higher knowledge grade.
Tsoth 8-07-2024 23:31
Yeah I figured it out since I made the post. It went to S on the third run of the questline. I was wondering cause it never went up at all on the second run. This was the last ecology knowledge left I had to get to S outside of Mutant Troll and Ogre.
Dan Hot 24-09-2024 16:44
First time A Grade, second time NO KNOWLEDGE upgrade, third time NO KNOWLEDGE upgrade.
The Time u need to start this quest is fucking annoying!

PA has to fix that, that u can get knowledge, just from talking to a NPC ands spend energie.
Tsoth 25-09-2024 11:27
They don't even need to do this if they'd just let us redo the quest. Like they used to any other time before LMOL. If you wanted a questline only boss to S, you just had to kill the boss, cancel the quest before you turned it in, and did it over and over until you got it at S. Now in LMOL the moment you kill the boss you're forced to finish the quest and can't cancel it.

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