지식 범주: Big Bad Auntie's Foreign Cuisine Study | |
- 설명 : Big Bad Auntie Ahryung of Byeot County Tavern tried a Special Kamasylvia Meal and shared his thoughts. "My friend! Thank you for treating me to a Kamasylvian meal! Now let's experience what kind of meals the nobles over there have! With fruit wine and... mushrooms... coconut... figs... Hahaha... Hmm, I don't know about the Ganelle, but I just can't handle all these veggies!" Can be obtained through Byeot County Questline 에서 얻은: - Big Bad Auntie's Foreign Cuisine Study |
ID | 표제 | 레벨 | 지역명 | 경험치 | 기술 경험치 | 기여 경험치 | 의뢰 보상 | REWARD_TYPES | SUBTYPE | |
ID | 표제 | 레벨 | 지역명 | 경험치 | 기술 경험치 | 기여 경험치 | 의뢰 보상 | REWARD_TYPES | SUBTYPE | |
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