지식 범주: Big Bad Auntie's Foreign Cuisine Study | |
- 설명 : Big Bad Auntie Ahryung of Byeot County Tavern tried some Steamed Bird Meat and shared his thoughts. "Ah, so this is the exotic steamed bird meat I've heard about! It doesn't look all that different from samgyetang... Ah, and alcohol has been used to remove the gamey smell! That's similar to what we do. The flavor really is quite lovely. This bears further investigation!" Can be obtained through Byeot County Questline 에서 얻은: - Big Bad Auntie's Foreign Cuisine Study |
ID | 표제 | 레벨 | 지역명 | 경험치 | 기술 경험치 | 기여 경험치 | 의뢰 보상 | REWARD_TYPES | SUBTYPE | |
ID | 표제 | 레벨 | 지역명 | 경험치 | 기술 경험치 | 기여 경험치 | 의뢰 보상 | REWARD_TYPES | SUBTYPE | |
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