ID: 11368
Beneath the Surface
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범주: Abyss Adventure Log I

- 설명 :
Who is the owner of the money in the ground?

Once upon a time, the kingdom of Moles spanned for great depths. So deep, in fact, that if a person ever fell in, they'd be hard pressed to ever climb out again. Especially since the melodies of those adorable Moles cause all Humans to lose their bearings!
And who would even remember those poor souls who had fallen in the Mole burrows, never to return? Time passed, and the Kingdom of the Moles continued to grow upwards. Eventually, only the belongings of those lost within remained, the rest rotted away by the passage of time.
It was once their kingdom had grown sufficiently high enough for people to be able to climb out, that Zobadi decided to open up shop there, and begin hiring workers to dig up the many coins lost over time (but all the while pretending they were coins he himself had misplaced some time prior!)

While he claims that this is the only way for him to amass enough funds to head to Valencia City, Zobadi is very unlikely to budge even if someone offered to pare the fare for him. Simply put, he loves the underground far too much.
Can be obtained through [Abyss One: The Magnus Main Questline]
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icon - [The Magnus] Beneath the Surface
정렬 기준: 평가 데이트

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