ID: 10888
Marvelous Draught of Persistence
icon 지식
범주: 간이 연금

- 설명 :
Crafting materials: Elixir of Persistence x90, Elixir of Endurance x90, Elixir of Swiftness x90, Tears of the Falling Moon x30, Ouk Pill of Time and Tide x1
※ Higher elixirs with the same name can be added at a 1:3 ratio.

This is an elixir that maintains the original effect of the draught for a much longer time with the power of the Ouk Pill of Time and Tide created by Abets, who inherited the wisdom of Labreska, the master of the Mountain of Eternal Winter, after many years of research at the Eilton Lab.
It can be made with Simple Alchemy.
Elixir of Persistence x90, Elixir of Endurance x90, Elixir of Swiftness x90, Tears of the Falling Moon x30, Ouk Pill of Time and Tide x1
에서 얻은:
- Marvelous Draught of Persistence

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