ID: 50910
레벨: 99

생명력: 10,000
정신력: 1
별자리: 낙타자리
sympathy 흥미도: 31 ~ 33
sympathy 호감도: 31 ~ 35

관심사 :
Beasts (Mountain of Eternal Winter) (0/4)
Everfrost Adventure Log II (0/4)
Khan's Circle (0/1)
- 설명 :
Temuulen is known among the Abets as a "Friend of Nol," something he is quick to inform outlanders of when they mistakenly call him a "hawk tamer." Temuulen actually thinks the notion of taming hawks is preposterous as it is akin to taming a sibling that was born beside you. When hunting together, Temuulen says it's important to always be respectful towards your hawk and have a kindness in your heart.

You need only watch Temuulen hunting with his hawks to know how much of a bond he shares with them.

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