ID: 50862/1
레벨: 99

생명력: 10,000
정신력: 1
별자리: 코끼리자리
sympathy 흥미도: 30 ~ 34
sympathy 호감도: 32 ~ 33

관심사 :
Natives of Everfrost (0/5)
연금 I (0/5)
교양 I (0/5)
- 설명 :
Puteaux, a master craftsman of traditional Demibeast Ouk Pills, lives in a small cabin which remained vacant for some time due to its wanderlust owner. The cabin was only recently brought back to life after Puteaux returned home from her travels. During her adventures abroad, Puteaux claims to have met an old alchemist with whom she shared a thought provoking discussion on a subject of mutual interest. The discussion was said to be so engaging that the two carried on for several sleepless nights.

Upon her return, not a day goes by without a curious Demibeast or outlander visiting her cabin to lay eyes on the latest experimental gadgets brought over from the far reaches of the continent. Despite the constant hustle and bustle, Puteaux continues to conduct research unfazed and fully focused without a care for who comes by.

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