관심사 : 드리간의 잡화 (0/4) 드리간의 군인들 (0/4) 드벤크룬의 주민들 (0/4)
- 설명 : 어릴적 야생 늑대에 의해 양친을 잃은 고아. 그 탓인지 매우 소심하고 혼자만의 일에 몰두하는 일이 많다. 회복제 상인 답게 회복약이나 연금에 매우 관심이 많으며 일이 끝나면 혼자 도구를 배치해 연성을 하기도 한다. 연성에 실패했을 때 나오는 작은 소리에도 쉽게 놀라 또래 아이들의 놀림감이 되곤 한다.
You need knowledge on the trade goods sold in Drieghan. Go to Tikara, buy one of each good, then right click them in your inventory to learn about them.
You need knowledge on the trade goods sold in Drieghan. Go to Tikara, buy one of each good, then right click them in your inventory to learn about them.
UPDATE: Her thing is the Drieghan General Trade Goods. I don't know the order or what works best but I learned all 12 and then just focused on the things girls would like. My Amity with her is well over 1000 now.
oh, you can get the first knowledge quest easy enough, but to talk with her, you need 4 General Goods, 4 Soldiers of Dreighan, and 4 Residents of Dreighan. I will post when I know them all but the soldiers are easy enough to get. Just click on the links for the lists. The Dreighan Adventure Journals 1 and II are a wealth of knowledge but will take awhile to get all. Lots of quests in there as well.