ID: 45350/1
레벨: 99
생명력: 10,000
정신력: 1
별자리: 낙타자리
sympathy 흥미도: 34 ~ 53
sympathy 호감도: 33 ~ 38

관심사 :
아크만과 고대인(병기) II (0/4)
발렌시아 동부 (0/4)
발렌시아 건국 전설 모험일지 (0/4)
- 설명 :
카탄 군부 소속의 베르트는 정신없는 삶을 즐긴다. 덕분에 직업도 여러 가지인데, 만물상도 그중 하나다. 히스트리아 폐허에 파견돼 군인으로서 역할도 다 하지만, 모험가들을 상대로 물건까지 판매하고 있다.
정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
Anonymous 2-09-2016 06:27
Anyone know how to get to this guy hes behind the doorway near Archaeologist Vygun but no clue how to open the rock door if even if you can...

Found him went north west of the Canyon Vugun is found in there you'll find a portal that leads to the new Valencia Part 2 dungeon. Beware of the mobs in there at level 56 with 226 DP the mobs hit me once and took 75% of my HP
Anonymous 7-09-2016 05:03
He is found in Hystria Dungeon and to enter you must look for "sand swirling" pillar with black portal in the desert. They spawn randmly and it seems to stay 15min. The destination: Aakman or Hystria is in fact random too, weither you go in one or other. To get that NPC i followed on rule inside that dungeon keep heading to full East. I died once and used Elion to stay in there. Mobs are all purple at 57 even 59. They put me at 20% HP with one attack at 192 DP.
Abbatangelo 3-04-2022 09:33
Just wave, guys. I spent 100 energy to check and his Interest never drops below 40 and Favour tends to be high too.
Kiriak 2-02-2023 22:25
Bert is located inside the Hystria Ruins (underground). The entrances to the Hystria Ruins are spawned randomly in the desert. All possible locations are available here: Ancient Teleporter.
I've added two screenshots to the Screenshots tab for the reference. Circled entrance on the first screenshot spawns at 6pm-7pm by in-game time. Second screenshots shows the map of the Hystria Ruins (original is taken from this Reddit thread). If you'll use the circled entrance you'll land on the spot marked with big red arrow. Then just follow the red line on the map to get to Bert.

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