ID: 9357
영어 이름: Citron Tea
icon 소모성
무 게: 0.10 LT
적재량: 0.30 VT

획득 시 귀속
- 개인 거래 가능
- 가문 가방에 담기 가능
- 설명 :
Tea made from Citron. One of Everfrost's staple beverages to handle the harsh climate. Can be easily made with Citron and water, it helps deal with Frostbite and can be found on any inhabitant of Everfrost.

- Effects:
Cure Frostbite

- Duration: Instant
- Cooldown: 5 sec

- How to Obtain: Perform Simple Cooking with Citron and Purified Water or Distilled Water.
Cooking ingredients: Citron x1 + Purified Water x1 (Distilled Water x1)

This tea is the representative drink of Everfrost, which helps you stand the cold weather. Once you have citron and water, you can make Citron Tea anywhere easily, and this tea helps lower the risk of frostbite, so the villagers of Everfrost always carry both citron and water with them.
- Citron Tea

가격을 구입: 2,075coin
판매 가격: 83
수리비: -

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