ID: 830182
프리미엄 밸류 패키지(7일)
영어 이름: Premium Value Pack (7 Days)
icon 소모성
무 게: 0.10 LT
적재량: 0.00 VT

- 획득시 귀속(캐릭터)
- 개인 거래 불가
- 가문 가방에 담기 가능
게임 샵 아이템
- 설명 :
Provides the following benefits for 7 days:
Login Daily for Pearls
Inventory Slot +16
Storage Slot +16
Combat/Skill/Life/Mount EXP +30%
Distant Node Investment (Consumes 10 Energy)
Weight Limit +200 LT
+30% Silver Collection upon Central Market Sales (Excluding Pearl Items)
Item Collection Increase Scroll via Daily Challenge
Unlimited Use of Merv's Palette
Unlimited Customization
Barter Refresh Points +50
Required Parley for Barter -10%
Allows you to remotely check or skip Special Barter
Value Pack buffs do not stack with each other, but duration does.
The listed effects will last for the shown duration upon use, and you won't be able to cancel your purchase.

사용 효과:
Premium Value Pack Effect (7 Days)

가격을 구입: -
판매 가격: -
수리비: -

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