ID: 761364
[이벤트] 샤카투 상단의 보물 꾸러미
영어 이름: [Event] Shakatu Merchants' Treasure Bundle
icon 특수물품
무 게: 0.10 LT
적재량: 0.30 VT

획득 시 귀속
- 개인 거래 불가
- 설명 :
A treasure bundle from the Shakatu Merchants. It's burdened with glorious purpose.
우클릭으로 사용하면 to obtain several of the following items according to a set probability.
Upgraded Compass Parts x1
Upgraded Compass Parts x1
Upgraded Compass Parts x1
Lafi Bedmountain's Upgraded Telescope Parts x1
Lafi Bedmountain's Upgraded Telescope Parts x1
Lafi Bedmountain's Upgraded Telescope Parts x1
Rich Merchant's Ring Piece x1
Rich Merchant's Ring Piece x1
Rich Merchant's Ring Piece x1
Rich Merchant's Ring Piece x1
Rich Merchant's Ring Piece x1
Map of Unknown Piece x1
Map of Unknown Piece x1
Map of Unknown Piece x1
Map of Unknown Piece x1
Advice of Valks (+50) x1
[Event] Artisan's Memory x1
Memory Fragment x1
Sharp Black Crystal Shard x1
Black Stone x1
Cron Stone x1
Caphras Stone x1
[Event] Shakatu's Surety x1
You'll get the following according to a set probability:
Upgraded Compass Parts x1
Upgraded Compass Parts x1
Upgraded Compass Parts x1
Lafi Bedmountain's Upgraded Telescope Parts x1
Lafi Bedmountain's Upgraded Telescope Parts x1
Lafi Bedmountain's Upgraded Telescope Parts x1
Rich Merchant's Ring Piece x1
Rich Merchant's Ring Piece x1
Rich Merchant's Ring Piece x1
Rich Merchant's Ring Piece x1
Rich Merchant's Ring Piece x1
Map of Unknown Piece x1
Map of Unknown Piece x1
Map of Unknown Piece x1
Map of Unknown Piece x1
Advice of Valks (+50) x1
[Event] Artisan's Memory x1
Memory Fragment x1
Sharp Black Crystal Shard x1
Black Stone x1
Cron Stone x1
Caphras Stone x1
[Event] Shakatu's Surety x1

가격을 구입: -
판매 가격: -
수리비: -

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0 - 0 / 0
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ID 표제레벨
0 - 0 / 0