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특수물품 무 게: 0.10 LT 적재량: 0.30 VT |
획득 시 귀속 - 개인 거래 불가 - 설명 : A reward given to those who defeated the Blue-clad Youth. - 우클릭으로 사용하면 to obtain all of the following: Boss Blitz Token - Blue-clad Youth Resplendent Lightstone of Wind x5 Memory Fragment x15 Caphras Stone x50 Black Stone x50 Sangpyeong Coin x100 Breath of Resentment x5-10 Gold Bar 1,000G x3 Gold Bar 100G x15 Gold Bar 10G x50 - Obtain the following items according to a set probability: Flame of the Primordial Bonghwang's Tear Haetae's Tear Girin's Tear Reforge Stone - All AP Reforge Stone - All Accuracy Reforge Stone - All Damage Reduction Reforge Stone - All Evasion Reforge Stone - Max HP Reforge Stone - Critical Hit Rate Reforge Stone - Back Attack Damage Reforge Stone - Down Attack Damage Reforge Stone - Air Attack Damage Reforge Stone - Critical Hit Damage Reforge Stone - Black Spirit's Rage Recovery Reforge Stone - Ignore Knockback/Floating Resistance Reforge Stone - Ignore Knockdown/Bound Resistance Reforge Stone - Ignore Grapple Resistance Reforge Stone - Ignore Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance DUO (II) Deboreka Belt PRI (I) Deboreka Belt Deboreka Necklace Deboreka Ring Deboreka Belt Deboreka Earring Asadal Necklace Asadal Belt You'll get Boss Slayer's Haul rewards. Continue? 가격을 구입: - 판매 가격: - 수리비: - |
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