ID: 761015
열정이 깃든 전리품 상자
영어 이름: Kindling Loot Box
icon 특수물품
무 게: 0.10 LT
적재량: 0.30 VT

획득 시 귀속
- 개인 거래 불가
- 설명 :
Box of loot left from countless battles.

우클릭으로 사용하면 to obtain one of the following according to a set probability:
Splendid Spirit Stone of Destruction Fragment
Splendid Spirit Stone of Protection Fragment
Deboreka Necklace
Deboreka Belt
Deboreka Earring
JIN Glorious Crystal of Honor - Max HP
Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Ah'krad
Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Olucas
Gold Bar Box
Imp Boss's Knife
Immortal: Elixir of Deep Sea
Immortal: Perfume of Courage
Essence of Gallantry x2
Elixir of Deep Sea x3
Perfume of Courage x3
Memory Fragment x20
Caphras Stone x50
You'll get one of the following according to a set probability
Splendid Spirit Stone of Destruction Fragment
Splendid Spirit Stone of Protection Fragment
Deboreka Necklace
Deboreka Belt
Deboreka Earring
JIN Glorious Crystal of Honor - Max HP
Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Ah'krad
Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Olucas
Gold Bar Box
Imp Boss's Knife
Immortal: Elixir of Deep Sea
Immortal: Perfume of Courage
Essence of Gallantry x2
Elixir of Deep Sea x3
Perfume of Courage x3
Memory Fragment x20
Caphras Stone x50

가격을 구입: -
판매 가격: -
수리비: -

댓글을 남기려면 로그인
1 - 10 / 11
1 - 10 / 11
1 - 10 / 17
1 - 10 / 17