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특수물품 무 게: 0.10 LT 적재량: 0.30 VT |
획득 시 귀속 - 개인 거래 불가 - 설명 : A box containing the materials needed to craft Burning Moonlight Black Stone. 우클릭으로 사용하면 to obtain the following items: Gold Bar 10G x2 Yona's Fragment x1 Magical Shard x3 Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x10 Black Stone x100 You'll get Gold Bar 10G x2 Yona's Fragment x1 Magical Shard x3 Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x10 Black Stone x100 from the box. Continue? 가격을 구입: - 판매 가격: - 수리비: - |
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