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특수물품 무 게: 0.10 LT 적재량: 0.30 VT |
획득 시 귀속 - 개인 거래 불가 - 설명 : A bundle that resonates with Garmoth's roar. You can sense Garmoth's energy within it. 우클릭으로 사용하면 to obtain several of the following items according to a set probability. Garmoth's Horn Garmoth's Heart Garmoth's Bloodstone Advice of Valks (+30) Advice of Valks (+40) Combined Magic Crystal - Macalod Combined Magic Crystal - Hoom Combined Magic Crystal - Gervish Kagtum Submission Ring Akum Helmet Akum Armor Akum Gloves Akum Shoes Caphras Stone Bundle Garmoth's Scale x2-3 Gold Bar 1,000G Gold Bar 100G x1 Gold Bar 10G x1-2 Gold Bar 1G x4-10 Cron Stone x2-3 Black Stone x1-5 Black Energy Residue Stabilized Magical Black Stone Cleansed Magical Black Stone Pure Magical Black Stone Hunter's Seal x3-7 Silver You'll get your Boss Reward. Continue? 가격을 구입: - 판매 가격: - 수리비: - |
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