ID: 760727
검은사막 X 비비고 제휴 상자
영어 이름: Black Desert X Bibigo Collaboration Box
icon 특수물품
무 게: 0.10 LT
적재량: 0.30 VT

획득 시 귀속
- 개인 거래 불가
- 가문 가방에 담기 가능
- 설명 :
Black Desert X Bibigo Collaboration Box.
우클릭으로 사용하면 to obtain one of the following according to a set probability:
Cron Stone x5,000
[Event] Premium Outfit Box x10
Garmoth's Heart
Vell's Heart
[Event] Premium Outfit Box
Cron Stone x300
Advice of Valks (+80)
[Event] Maid for Hire Box
Cron Stone x100
Advice of Valks (+50)
[Event] Secret Book of Old Moon (1 Day)
[Event] Blessing of Kamasylve (1 Day)
Cron Stone x30
Advice of Valks (+40)
Mysterious Blue Conch x2
Fruit of Yianaros x2
Brilliant Crimson Fire Flower x2
Advice of Valks (+30)
Memory Fragment x2
You'll get one of the following:
Cron Stone x5,000
[Event] Premium Outfit Box x10
Garmoth's Heart
Vell's Heart
[Event] Premium Outfit Box
Cron Stone x300
Advice of Valks (+80)
[Event] Maid for Hire Box
Cron Stone x100
Advice of Valks (+50)
[Event] Secret Book of Old Moon (1 Day)
[Event] Blessing of Kamasylve (1 Day)
Cron Stone x30
Advice of Valks (+40)
Mysterious Blue Conch x2
Fruit of Yianaros x2
Brilliant Crimson Fire Flower x2
Advice of Valks (+30)
Memory Fragment x2
가격을 구입: -
판매 가격: -
수리비: -

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