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일반 무 게: 0.10 LT 적재량: 0.30 VT |
- 획득시 귀속(캐릭터) - 개인 거래 불가 - 설명 : The key which activates Lekra Vuhuma in Atoraxxion: Yolunakea - Yolu's Spine. Critically life-threatening materials have been purposely mixed into it so Lekra Vuhuma's threat detection meters will spike up and greatly increase its activation rate. - Usage: Arrange [Elvia] Distorted Tear of Temptation and [Elvia] Yolu's Burning Vine in a [-] shape to create [Elvia] Soaring Hatred Tear. ※ The party leader must possess [Elvia] Distorted Tear of Temptation to activate the Ancient Weapon Lekra Vuhuma. ※ Let the [Elvia] Distorted Tear of Temptation flow through the Sun Control Tower in Yolu's Spine to awaken the Ancient Weapon Lekra Vuhuma. ※ Leaving Yolu's Paradise, which you can reach via Yolu's Cradle, will cause this item to vanish. This item needs to be put together. Open "Yaz's Combinables Pouch" from the bottom of your inventory. ※ All party members must have [Elvia] Voidlight Dagger to move to Yolu's Cradle. 가격을 구입: - 판매 가격: - 수리비: - |
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