ID: 610954
시크루아 의상 상자
영어 이름: Secrua Outfit Box
icon 특수물품
무 게: 1.00 LT
적재량: 0.00 VT

획득 시 귀속
- 개인 거래 불가
전용: 가디언, 노바, 다크나이트
게임 샵 아이템
- 설명 :
Contains a box of class-specific outfits.

"Lead forth the Legion of the Sun so that the world's splendors may ever shine.
And rest not until the Black Sun of Hadum, harbinger of all that is ash and ruin, is righteously struck from the sky."

우클릭으로 사용하면 to obtain items suitable for your class.

※ Wearing these gloves with other outfits may change their appearance.
※ Wearing this helmet may hide your accessories. Toggle on the Hide Head Gear feature to reveal them.
※ Wearing these shoes with other outfits may change their appearance.
You will get an outfit suitable for your class.
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