It can be gathered with a worker from the Excavation node at Lynch Farm Ruins just west of Heidel. But first, the Excavation node needs to be activated with 35 energy from a conversation topic with Zara Lynch.
Anonymous 11-05-2016 21:42
Dropped by Giant Manes at a low rate, also dropped by the Violent Manes found there. Average about 30/hour of farming.
Anonymous 12-06-2016 23:02
And you can get them from Saunil ( boss ).
Anonymous 29-09-2016 16:59
i farmed saunil for knowledge for 3o minutes~ got 12. was already wondering how i got them.
Anonymous 4-07-2017 11:25
The following monsters drop Savage Trace:
Small Mane 0-1
Agile Mane 0-1
Big Mane 0-1
Giant Mane 0-1
Giant Manehair 1-3
Saunil Fighter 0-1
Saunil Charger 0-1
Saunil Commander 1-3
Can be obtained as a byproduct of heating from Ain weapons found in Castle ruins (20-23) at a rate of 1-x depending on your processing level.