획득 시 귀속 - 개인 거래 불가
- 설명 : 그저 불에 타서 그을린 돌이다. 아쉽지만 이 돌에서는 아무런 기운이 느껴지지 않는다. 하지만 타리프 마을 연금술사 이스폐이라면 이 돌을 다시 살릴 수 있지 않을까?
가격을 구입: 1,000,000 판매 가격: 100 수리비: -
Been attempting to craft this with no luck.
Recipe suggests 10 items.
"traces of flame": powder of flame?
"coal processed by children": processed coal?
"broken black stones": black stone powder?
"an indomitable will": ???
"shining particles just like their tiny selves": shining or fairy powder?
I have attempted using oil of fortitude, elixir of will (blue and green), and origin of life for the "indomitable will" with no luck.
Flame, coal, blackstone, and shining powder (no indomitable will part) also did not work. I tested this one with black stone powder and black gem fragments. Also, shining and fairy powder.
Im guessing once we figure out this recipe we will be able to craft the inextinguishable stone at a 6% rate with charred stones being the common result. Any assistance is appreciated.