획득 시 귀속 - 개인 거래 불가
- 설명 : 각 영지에 공헌한 모험가에게 발행하는 은괴. 2만 은화와 동일한 가치를 지니고 있다. 모험가의 고서를 착용한 상태에서 의뢰를 완료하면 은괴를 더 받을 수 있다. 각 마을 창고 관리인이 운영하는 환전소에서 2만 은화로 환전할 수 있다.
가격을 구입: 20,100 판매 가격: 20,000 수리비: -
This item's name is not translated properly yet in the US/EU version of the game.
Right now it's called: Faint Glowing Magic Tome (A).
You can get it as a reward for a quest, which is not implemented in US/EU yet.
great job... BTW if the site dev reads this, the subscibtion email doesn't give you a link to the page you got a replay on, you have to manualy imput the URL or search it yourself.
I am the dev.
Are you sure about the subs email? I've just got one about your reply and on the very first lines it has this:
There is a new comment on the page in your subscription list: Prognyl Silver Bar http://bdocodex.com/kr/item/28/.
Check it out!
Oh, i see now. You can't click on it.
Thanks for the report! I'll convert the email's body to the html format so the links will become clickable. Will do it by this weekend.