특수물품 무 게: 0.00 LT 적재량: 0.30 VT | |
획득 시 귀속 - 개인 거래 불가 - 가문 가방에 담기 가능 - 설명 : Quturan's Fruit requested by Francia, librarian of O'dyllita, from Helen Julia, the Ahib Krogdalo scholar. - Usage: Stable Keeper - Effects: Changes the appearance of Mythical Arduanatt - How to Obtain: Purchase from Francia, librarian of O'draxxia ※ How to Use 1. Talk to the Stable Keeper and select "Stable." 2. Check in your Mythical Arduanatt through the Stable Keeper, then select "Change Appearance." 3. Select the appearance you desire then click "Change Horse Appearance." ※ Unequip all mount gear to use. 가격을 구입: 100,000,000 판매 가격: 10,000,000 수리비: - |
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