ID: 9301
Special Cloud Mushroom Crate
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필요한 워크샵 수준: 1

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- 제작 결과
- Special Cloud Mushroom Crate

참고 : 검은 사막에서 공예품은 숙련도에 크게 영향을받습니다. 높은 기술 수준에서는 적은 재료를 사용하고 더 많은 제품을 얻을 수 있습니다.

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파랑 등급의 성분 1 개를 3-5 흰색 등급 성분으로 바꿀 수 있으며 그 반대의 경우도 가능합니다.
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정렬 기준: 평가 데이트
Anonymous 1-06-2017 18:45
This entry needs a major update. The Scale Vambrace can be purchased from Ornella in Heidel City after you have gained 500 Amity with her. Alternatively, it is a rare drop from the Manshas in Mansha Forest.

Update: An additional source is the Arms Dealer Locke in Tarif. Collect 150 "Useful Coin Pouch" from Wandering Rogues and the turn-in will give you an Offensive Secondary Weapon Box. For Strikers that means a Scale Vambrace.
Kiriak 6-06-2017 15:30
Sorry, could you please explain, how is the Scale Vambrace related to this design and what should be updated?
Anonymous 6-06-2017 18:27
Back when I made that entry, a search on "Scale Vambrace" brought you to this page and the title at the top said "Scale Vambrace" rather than "Special Cloud Mushroom Box". It's obvious they have corrected the problem because a search for "Scale Vambrace" now takes you to its own page and this page has the correct title at the top.

Therefore my comment here as well as the screenshot I added can be removed from this DB record.
Anonymous 6-06-2017 18:02
When I posted that, searching on "Scale Vambrace" brought you to this page and the title at the top said "Scale Vambrace" instead of "Special Cloud Mushroom Crate". It appears they have fixed things by changing the title of the DB entry.
Kiriak 6-06-2017 18:05
I see. Then we'll consider this issue closed. Thanks for your report!

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