You can rent a matchlock nearby from the Guild Manager, Laiano Pietro, for 2 contribution points.
Anonymous 22-03-2016 06:01
You need a Matchlock (look at comment above) to start this quest.
Anonymous 20-06-2017 23:18
IMPORTANT: In order to activate this quest, you need to rent a PRACTICE matchlock from the guild manager (Pietro). You can NOT use any other matchlocks. You also need to have the matchlock in your inventory, not equipped.
If you have the practice matchlock in your inventory and still Crio won't give you the quest, press O and make sure that ALL quests are enabled to show up
Português: Se você tem o mosquete para treino no inventário e mesmo assim o Crio não te der a quest, aperte O e verifique se TODAS as quests estão habilitadas para aparecer
O'ya basın. Tüm görev türlerini etkinleştirin. Velia'daki Merkez Pazar'ın karşısındaki Klan Sorumlusu'ndan Eğitim Çiftelisi'ni kiralayın. Deponun dibindeki Crio NPC'sine gidin. İtem "envanterinizde iken" yani kuşanmadan görevi alın.