ID: 8637
Sperm Whale
icon Knowledge
Chance of obtaining: 30.00%
Category: Ikan Langka

- Penjelasan:
Tubuhnya berwarna kelabu tua seluruhnya, namun warna itu berubah putih saat ia bertambah tua. Kepalanya berbentuk persegi tumpul yang berukuran sepertiga dari ukuran tubuhnya.

Zat yang menumpuk dalam usus besar sperm whale merupakan sesuatu yang mahal, juga digunakan sebagai obat penenang. Benda itu juga digunakan untuk membuat kosmetik berkualitas yang selalu disambut girang wanita-wanita bangsawan Calpheon dan Epheria, sehingga karenanya selalu ada pemburuan sperm whale yang tak mengenal kasihan.
Sperm Whale
Obtained from:
- Sperm Whale
Obtained from:
- Sperm Whale
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Tsoth 23-09-2024 06:53
If you're a knowledge chaser, I'm here to let you know that for me this was the hardest fish knowlwegde to get. I say was but I don't have it yet. Caught it 7 times, still no knowledge. You have to count about 3-4 hours for every catch in average. PA needs to realise 30% knowledge drop chance on something that takes so long to catch is not ok. I feel you shouldn't have to grind more than 30 hours for a lifeskill related knowledge... I've been unlucky, sure, but not incredibly so either, I mean 70% fail chance is bad enough it could take you more than 10 tries, anyone who's enhanced long enough knows this. I'll update this post when I get it and let you know how many catches it took.

Edit: Took 9 catch in the end. So something like 40 hours of harpooning. May you be more lucky than I was if you're going for this knowledge...

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