ID: 6271
Kelompok Pelindung Rahasia Berangkat ke Mediah
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Category: Serendia Adventure Journal V

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Kelompok Pelindung Rahasia yang berhasil menghentikan ancaman Belmorn segera bergegas menuju Mediah. Menurut pesan yang mereka tinggalkan sebelum berangkat, sebuah peristiwa besar penting sedang terjadi di Mediah.
Dapat diperoleh melalui [Main Quest]
- Wilayah Calpheon
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- Kelompok Pelindung Rahasia yang Berangkat Demi Mediah
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Anonymous 29-07-2017 01:47
You will need to start this long-ass quest chain. The last quest is "Heading to Epheria" not "To Epheria" (check prerequisites for the 1st quest - Injured Explorer):
Slaypp 31-08-2022 00:10
В Хиделе нужно выбрать и пройти 1ю ветку заданий([Выбор I] Молодой лев Хиделя).
После завершения задания Реликвия башни Трины
Вызвать черного духа и прянять квест Эферия: Те, кто уходят
У Алустина в Эферии нужно выбрать Куда ушли путники Эдана
после чего получите данное знание.
gamenet 30-04-2023 22:13
this is 100% accurate
skorpion112200 5-03-2024 01:30
In Heidel, you need to select and go through the 1st quest line ([Choice I] Heidel's Young Lion).
After completing the quest Trina Tower Relic
Summon the black spirit and start the quest Epheria: Those Who Leave
From Alustin in Epheria you need to choose Where the travelers of Edan went
after which you will receive this knowledge.
xaou1235 23-07-2023 22:59
This one is long. Play through the Balenos main questline. Once you get into the Serendia questline you will hit a Crossroads. Select the first one [The Lamenting Head of the League of Merchants]. After that, play through the whole Serendia questline and work your way through the Calpheon questline. Near the end of it you will do the quest Relic of Trina Beacon Towers. After you complete that quest, talk to black spirit and he will give you the quest [Port Epheria] Those Who Are Leaving. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL QUEST TYPES SELECTED OR IT WON'T SHOW UP. Once you get to Epheria, talk to Alustin for the quest and select the first option to obtain the knowledge.

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