ID: 5533/34
Permintaan yang Canggung
KR name: 쑥스러운 부탁
icon Quest
Nama Wilayah: Valencia
Category: Quest Biasa
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Tentara yang Terlihat Bodoh
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Kayu Sulit Ditemukan di Gurun
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Sebelum Hasil Panen Kering

icon - Tentara yang Terlihat Bodoh
icon - Monster Paling Keras Kepala
icon - Sebuah Rencana untuk Membasmi Kalajengking Gurun
icon - Aku Butuh lebih banyak Obor
icon - Apa Rahasianya?
icon - Membawa Greens ke Tanah Kosong
icon - Aku Geram!
icon - Membalaskan Dendam Saudagar
icon - Perbaiki Tempat Pemancingan!
icon - Dua Bersaudara Fishing
icon - Operasi Muslihat
icon - Bangkai Naga Gurun yang Mencurigakan
icon - Menafsirkan Dokumen Naga
icon - Bayangan di Gurun
icon - Ambil Inisiatif
icon - Pesan pada Pengadilan Kerajaan
icon - Elfa, ELFA!
icon - Kayu Sulit Ditemukan di Gurun
icon - Permintaan yang Canggung
icon - Sebelum Hasil Panen Kering
icon - Rumor Tak Jelas
icon - Urusan Besar
icon - Artefak yang Terjaga
icon - Bata Berukir Naskah Suci Aal
icon - Penemuan Reruntuhan Kuno Lain Lagi
icon - Sebuah Kisah Menarik
icon - Kenyataan Peninggalan
icon - Peradaban Sebelumnya
icon - Mengikuti Jejak Kaki Leluhur
icon - Pencarian Nona Kerajaan
icon - Makam Coral
icon - Teknik Pewarnaan Batu Karang
icon - Geografi Aneh Pulau Shasha
icon - Gua Dalam Air
icon - Saat Bintang Emas muncul di Langit Selatan
icon - Sikap para penganut Aal dalam mempersiapkan penziarahan
icon - Mengikuti Jejak Kaki Penganut Aal
icon - Puasa dan Berdoa
icon - Ketaatan pada Aal
icon - Lepaskan Keserakahanmu dan Menahan Diri
icon - Berbagilah dengan tetanggamu
icon - Menjauh dari yang korup
icon - Waspadai orang-orang sombong
icon - Jangan Lengah
icon - Tempat Kelahiran Aal
icon - Kembali membangkitkan peninggalan peradaban kuno
icon - Ancaman bagi para peziarah
icon - Bukit Pasir Bergemuruh
icon - Pesan untuk Tentara Katan
icon - Manajer Perdagangan yang Kesepian
icon - Makanan Enak Menyembuhkan Semuanya
icon - Resep Untuk Membuka Hati Seseorang
icon - Semuanya Memiliki Resikonya masing-masing
icon - Bahan-bahan yang Tulus
icon - Kau Tidak Sendirian

Start NPC:
icon - Vatputa
End NPC:
icon - Vatputa

- Penjelasan:
Vatputa meminta untuk membantunya dalam permintaan pribadinya dengan syarat dia akan memberi Timber impor. Kirimkan patung ukiran yang dibuat oleh Vatputa kepada Walagala di Penginapan Nerasabi.

Mungkin aku bisa memberikan kayuku padamu...
Jika... Uhh... Jika saja kau bisa membantu...masalah pribadiku.
Ada gadis koki manis, sangat manis
yang bekerja di penginapan Nerasabi.
Kulitnya cantik dan berseri seperti
kayu cherry...
Tolong berikan Bird Sculpture ini kepadanya.
Pahatan ini terbuat dari kayu Cherry, yang sangat langka di sini.
Oh, dan...
Jangan pernah bilang kalau ini dariku. Jangan!

Kau yang mengantar pahatan ini?
Jadi... Apakah dia mengatakan sesuatu?

Ya... Terima kasih banyak.
Aku merasa agak tenang sekarang.

Target Penyelesaian: Vatputa
- Antarkan pahatan kayu ke Walagala
Required actions:
  1. Get knowledge:


    - Walagala Baik Hati

- Contribution EXP (250)
Amity (20):
- Vatputa
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Required to open quests
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Anonymous 26-07-2017 08:09
Did anyone get the knowledge "Kind Walagala" by completing this? please let me know. I've done entire questchain and miss 3 knowledges that I haven't recieved
Yun_Grey 25-04-2018 07:51
I'm not able to start this quest even after completing all the preceding quests. I have completed Valencia 1 and 2 quest chain on the character that started this quest chain. There seems to be other quests or knowledge you need to start this quest in the quest chain. Or the quest is bugged.
Kiriak 25-04-2018 12:51
I've double checked this quest and i don't see any other requirements for it, besides the listed quest.
However, sometimes you can't get some quests with certain characters. Try to talk with this NPC with another of your characters.
Yun_Grey 26-04-2018 02:28
I was also thinking it could be the same issue as one of the quests in Velia, where you can only see the quest on characters with an even/odd number based on the order of your character creations. But it would seem weird that would be the case since this quest is several quests into the chain. I also thought there might be an issue with having negative amity with the npc you start the previous quest from. That npc is one of the required npcs you have to pick-pocket an item from for a quest in the Valencia 2 quest line.
Kiriak 26-04-2018 20:44
Please, let me know if you'll find a way to receive this quest.
Yun_Grey 21-05-2018 06:06
It seems that the game let me skip 2 of the quests in the quest chain before completing the 2 quests before this one. I finally went back to see if I could do this quest again, but I was not able to. I was able to do "Under the Mulberry Tree" and "Soft Cloth", which are earlier in the quest chain than the 2 quests before this one. It seems like you're able to complete this chain out of order. I will continue to back track in the quest chain to see if I'm able to do those then come back and see if this quest is active.
UPDATE: I swapped to another character that had completed Valencia 1 quest line and started at the beginning of the quest chain. I did up to the Naga quest where I ran into a problem. The NPCs had no quests for me. So I went to Valencia city where I was able to start the "Under the Mulberry Tree" quest, and I was able to complete the next quests including this one that I was not able to take on the previous character.
It seems like you can do these quests out of order and it can end up breaking the quest chain where you can no longer continue it.
Kiriak 21-05-2018 11:35
Thanks for the explanation! This game has weird rules when it comes to the quests.

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