ID: 3510/113
[Peningkatan Farming Profesional 10] Berasal dari Alam
KR name: [재배 승급 Lv40] 자연과 풍요
icon Quest
Nama Wilayah: Semua
Category: Life
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Processing] Proposal Geranoa
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Peningkatan Farming Profesional 7] Susu yang Bagus dari Tumpukan Jerami yang Bagus
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Peningkatan Farming Ahli 4] Berkompetisilah dengan Ahr

Start NPC:
icon - Ahr
End NPC:
icon - Ahr

- Penjelasan:
※ Jika menjalankan Quest ini, kamu bisa mendapatkan 60% EXP berdasarkan Farming Profesional 10.

Ahr, Pedagang Benih Calpheon, mengatakan bahwa kamu bisa mendapatkan buah unik secara kebetulan saat melakukan Farming. Dapatkan buah yang dikatakan oleh Ahr.

1. Tanam tanaman yang diinginkan di Kebun.
2. Cenderung memanen terus-menerus untuk mendapatkan Fruit of Nature.

Halo, petualang. Namaku Ahr.
Aroma bunga di ladang yang membawamu ke sini, bukan?
Hehe, aku bercanda.
Aku mendapatkan berbagai hal dengan merawat kebun bunga ini.
Baru-baru ini, aku mendapatkan Fruit of Nature.
Kamu bisa mendapatkan buah dari semua hasil panen~
Tanaman apa pun itu.
Kamu juga bisa mendapatkannya secara kebetulan saat melakukan Farming.

Sambil memanen hasil panen apapun, kau mungkin atau tidak mungkin mendapatkan buah.
Kau tak pernah tahu...

Buah itu banyak digunakan untuk Alkimia.
Sekarang kau punya buahnya, petualang juga pasti akan dipenuhi keberuntungan.
※ Quest peningkatan selanjutnya bisa diterima melalui Black Spirit Guide
setelah kamu mencapai Farming Master 4.

Target Penyelesaian: Ahr
- Panen Fruit of Nature dengan Farming
Required actions:
  1. Obtain item:
    - Fruit of Nature (2)

- Mengembalikan 5 Energi
- Production EXP (Farming)
- Sharp Black Crystal Shard
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Anonymous 19-10-2016 20:17
Since I grow a variety of crops, I usually get:
- Fruit of Abundance (blue fruit) from Grape/Sunflower/Onion (+ Strawberry)
- Fruit of Nature (green fruit) from Carrot/Acacia (+ Barley/Potato/Sweet Potato)

I'd say it's around 10% drop rate to get fruits while breeding crops

Edit: Fruit from manual gather does count towards quest completion, at time of writing (Oct 19, 2016)
Anonymous 15-09-2017 17:54
I burned more than 200 energy on same spot and rotating to south for 2nd cotton spot. Got only weeds, cotton, cotton yarn sad.gif I guess it got fixed. Maybe some1 else can confirm this.
Anonymous 16-09-2017 06:31
If you're getting weeds, that means you're not using a hoe.. it's really rare to get a fruit when gathering with bare hands. Try with a lucky/magic hoe happy.gif
Anonymous 17-09-2017 13:29
Got it by breeding strawberries and carrots. Thx anyways for info.
Anonymous 6-12-2017 02:29
You can guarantee each of the fruit by processing a special plant that produces the Fruit of Nature and Abundance, such as Special Carrot and Special Sunflower with a Mysterious Seed. The resulting Mysterious Carrot Seed and Mysterious Sunflower Seed, when breeding, will produce a certain 3-4 fruit which should complete the quest. Just one of each should be fine.
Kirros 7-08-2023 22:13
Just gather. Got both north of calpheon. Both can be obtained from amanita mushroom around Khuroto Cave.
There is also a small patch of cotton nearby (look near Florin) with a higher chance to drop the fruit of abundance if you have trouble getting that one

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