Heidel 3-3
icon Penginapan
Zone: Wilayah Serendia
Location: Kota Heidel

Contribution Point yang Dibutuhkan: 1
Required to have:
icon - Heidel 3-2
icon - Heidel 3-1, 1F

- Daftar Penggunaan:
Gudang icon icon
1 Level
- Biaya Pekerjaan: --
- Waktu Kerja: 1m
Menambahkan 3 slot di Gudang.
2 Level
- Biaya Pekerjaan: 1,000 Silver
- Waktu Kerja: 2m
Menambahkan 5 slot di Gudang.

Bengkel Furnitur icon
Pabrik Pengolahan Jamur icon
1 Level
- Biaya Pekerjaan: 2,000 Silver
- Waktu Kerja: 1m

- Fortune Teller Mushroom Crate
- Arrow Mushroom Crate
- Dwarf Mushroom Crate
- Cloud Mushroom Crate
- Sky Mushroom Crate
- Tiger Mushroom Crate
- Emperor Mushroom Crate
- Ghost Mushroom Crate
- Fog Mushroom Crate
- Hump Mushroom Crate
- Bluffer Mushroom Crate
- Ancient Mushroom Crate
- Amanita Mushroom Crate
- Truffle Mushroom Crate
- High-Quality Fortune Teller Mushroom Crate
- High-Quality Arrow Mushroom Crate
- High-Quality Dwarf Mushroom Crate
- High-Quality Cloud Mushroom Crate
- High-Quality Sky Mushroom Crate
- High-Quality Tiger Mushroom Crate
- High-Quality Emperor Mushroom Crate
- High-Quality Ghost Mushroom Crate
- High-Quality Fog Mushroom Crate
- High-Quality Hump Mushroom Crate
- High-Quality Bluffer Mushroom Crate
- High-Quality Ancient Mushroom Crate
- High-Quality Amanita Mushroom Crate
- Special Fortune Teller Mushroom Crate
- Special Arrow Mushroom Crate
- Special Dwarf Mushroom Crate
- Special Cloud Mushroom Crate
- Special Sky Mushroom Crate
- Special Tiger Mushroom Crate
- Special Emperor Mushroom Crate
- Special Ghost Mushroom Crate
- Special Fog Mushroom Crate
- Special Hump Mushroom Crate
- Special Bluffer Mushroom Crate
- Special Ancient Mushroom Crate
- Special Amanita Mushroom Crate
- Bouquet Mushroom Crate
- Leccinum Crate
- Purple Mushroom Crate
- Pie Mushroom Crate
- High-quality Bouquet Mushroom Crate
- High-Quality Leccinum Crate
- High-Quality Purple Mushroom Crate
- High-Quality Pie Mushroom Crate
- Special Bouquet Mushroom Crate
- Special Leccinum Crate
- Special Purple Mushroom Crate
- Special Pie Mushroom Crate
- Chanterelle Box
- Red-spotted Amanita Box
- Mesima Box
- Dictyophora Box
- High-quality Chanterelle Box
- High-quality Red-spotted Amanita Box
- High-quality Mesima Box
- High-quality Dictyophora Box
- Special Chanterelle Box
- Special Red-spotted Amanita Box
- Special Mesima Box
- Special Dictyophora Box

Pabrik Pengolahan Hasil Panen icon
1 Level
- Biaya Pekerjaan: 2,000 Silver
- Waktu Kerja: 1m

- Pepper Crate
- Garlic Crate
- Onion Crate
- Strawberry Crate
- Hot Pepper Crate
- Pumpkin Crate
- Grape Crate
- Sunflower Crate
- Olive Crate
- Carrot Crate
- Tomato Crate
- Paprika Crate
- High-Quality Strawberry Crate
- Special Strawberry Crate
- Potato Crate
- Barley Crate
- Wheat Crate
- Corn Crate
- Sweet Potato Crate
- High-Quality Pepper Crate
- High-Quality Garlic Crate
- High-Quality Onion Crate
- High-Quality Hot Pepper Crate
- High-Quality Pumpkin Crate
- High-Quality Grape Crate
- High-Quality Sunflower Crate
- High-Quality Olive Crate
- High-Quality Carrot Crate
- High-Quality Tomato Crate
- High-Quality Paprika Crate
- High-Quality Potato Crate
- High-Quality Barley Crate
- High-Quality Wheat Crate
- High-Quality Corn Crate
- High-Quality Sweet Potato Crate
- Special Pepper Crate
- Special Garlic Crate
- Special Onion Crate
- Special Hot Pepper Crate
- Special Pumpkin Crate
- Special Grape Crate
- Special Sunflower Crate
- Special Olive Crate
- Special Carrot Crate
- Special Tomato Crate
- Special Paprika Crate
- Special Potato Crate
- Special Barley Crate
- Special Wheat Crate
- Special Corn Crate
- Special Sweet Potato Crate
- Sunrise Herb Crate
- Silver Azalea Crate
- Fire Flake Flower Crate
- Dry Mane Grass Crate
- Silk Honey Grass Crate
- Everlasting Herb Crate
- High-Quality Sunrise Herb Crate
- High-Quality Silver Azalea Crate
- High-Quality Fire Flake Flower Crate
- High-Quality Dry Mane Grass Crate
- High-Quality Silk Honey Grass Crate
- Special Sunrise Herb Crate
- Special Silver Azalea Crate
- Special Fire Flake Flower Crate
- Special Dry Mane Grass Crate
- Special Silk Honey Grass Crate

Tempat Tinggal icon
1 Level
- Biaya Pekerjaan: --
- Waktu Kerja: --

- Karakter dapat menghias sendiri, dan dapat melakukan berbagai macam penelitian dengan memangkalkan berbagai jenis perabot atau alat Processing.
- Kamu dapat memilih 5 tempat tinggal di seluruh World.
- Saat pindah tempat tinggal, tempat tinggal sebelumnya akan dijadikan gudang dan perabot yang telah ditempatkan akan dikembalikan ke gudang tersebut.

- Susunan Interior


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