ID: 1797
Lembah Batu Harimau
icon Node
Zone: Negeri Pagi Cemerlang/Negeri Pagi Cemerlang
Contribution Point: 1
Manajer Node Makam Korban Harimau

Sub nodes:
icon - Lumbering
icon - Gathering
icon - Excavation

Local weather conditions:
Suhu: 30%
Udara: 30%
Air Galian: 50%

Base products:
- Maple Timber
- Maple Sap
- Old Tree Bark
- Bunga Harimau
- Crystal of Decimation
- Trace of Nature
- Bubuk Misterius
Additional (random) products:
- Monk's Branch
- Spirit's Leaf
- Red Tree Lump
- Bloody Tree Knot
- Bundel Seorang Petani
- Bundel Seorang Ilmuwan
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AtmaDarkwolf 9-07-2023 05:04
How does one 'discover' this node? (the node manager won't offer node management)
TVorace 21-05-2024 23:26
I do not remember exactly, but I suggest to try going there and walk around. This may help you to unlock it "naturally" without spending energy in node manager

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