ID: 820021
Refined Essence of Emotions
KR name: 정제된 감정의 정수
icon Normal
Berat: 0.10 LT
Jumlah Muatan: 0.30 VT

Terikat saat didapatkan
- Transaksi Pribadi Tidak Tersedia
- Penjelasan:
Kristal yang dapat memurnikan perasaan marah, sedih, derita, dan perasaan sulit lain yang terlilit. Dapat mengembalikan energi dari Gelas yang terungkap kembali ke bentuk asalnya dengan energi yang telah dimurnikan.

- Penggunaan: Ekstraksi Gelas Refined Accessory dengan Gelas

- Accessory yang Dapat Diekstrak
Moonlit Necklace
Clouded Ring
Starlit Ring
Tidal Belt
Nightfallen Belt
Earth Earring

- Diperoleh Dari: Crafting

- Cara Crafting: Processing (L) - Heating

- Bahan Crafting
Forest Fury x10
Fused Crystal of Emotions x20
Magical Shard x200
Buy price: 10,000,000coin
Sell price: 1,000,000
Repair price: -
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Nixal 7-03-2024 12:26
Product of recipe still showing the old recipe but linking to the correct one.
Kiriak 7-03-2024 14:20
Thanks for the report. It's probably a caching issue on your side. Try to refresh the page a few times to get the updated data.
Nixal 7-03-2024 15:01
Empty cache and hard reload via developer tools worked, thanks.

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ID   Title Type Skill level EXP Materials Products MATERIALS EFFECTS RECIPE_TYPE FAV
ID   Title Type Skill level EXP Materials Products MATERIALS EFFECTS RECIPE_TYPE FAV
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