ID: 750293
35 Won KuangChuan Normal Box
KR name: [제휴] KuangChuan 35원 일반 상자
icon Special Item
Berat: 0.10 LT
Jumlah Muatan: 0.30 VT

Terikat saat didapatkan
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Kotak yang bisa didapatkan jika membeli minuman KuangChuan.
Susun 35 Won KuangChuan Normal Box x3 dalam bentuk [-] untuk mendapatkan 35 Won KuangChuan Luxurious Box.

Tekan RMB untuk mendapatkan salah satu item berikut: Pearl Box - 2120, Sharp Alchemy Stone of Destruction, Sharp Alchemy Stone of Protection, Sharp Alchemy Stone of Life, Advice of Valks (+100), Gold Bar 1.000G, Dandelion Weapon Box, Kzarka's Sealed Weapon Box, Nouver's Sealed Sub-weapon Box, Kutum's Sealed Sub-weapon Box, Ogre Ring, Tungrad Earring, JIN Magic Crystal - Viper, JIN Magic Crystal - Harphia, Red Battlefield Crystal: Adamantine, Red Battlefield Crystal: Power, Advice of Valks (35-45), Item Collection Increase Scroll, Sharp Black Crystal Shard, Magic Crystal of Infinity - Experience, Advice of Valks (15-25), Cron Stone x2, Memory Fragment x2, Valks' Cry, Ancient Spirit Dust x5, High-Quality Draught Box
Akan mendapatkan salah satu dari
Pearl Box - 2120, Sharp Alchemy Stone of Destruction, Sharp Alchemy Stone of Protection, Sharp Alchemy Stone of Life, Advice of Valks (+100), Gold Bar 1.000G, Dandelion Weapon Box, Kzarka's Sealed Weapon Box, Nouver's Sealed Sub-weapon Box, Kutum's Sealed Sub-weapon Box, Ogre Ring, Tungrad Earring, JIN Magic Crystal - Viper, JIN Magic Crystal - Harphia, Red Battlefield Crystal: Adamantine, Red Battlefield Crystal: Power, Advice of Valks (35-45), Item Collection Increase Scroll, Sharp Black Crystal Shard, Magic Crystal of Infinity - Experience, Advice of Valks (15-25), Cron Stone x2, Memory Fragment x2, Valks' Cry, Ancient Spirit Dust x5, High-Quality Draught Box
saat kotak dibuka.
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