ID: 11194
Yolu's Records #22: Under the Full Moon
icon Knowledge
Category: Yolu's Records - Adolescence

- Description:
It was on a day when the full moon illuminated the night sky that I decided today was the day. Certainty and hesitancy went back and forth in my mind with every step I took toward Vaha's stronghold.

When my resolution started to waver, I reflected on the words inscribed upon Orze's blade. I whispered to Vaha.

"My love, Vaha. With the Goddess of Darkness' permission, our paradise will be complete."

It was the first time that I had seen Vaha's eyes, usually so stoic, flutter in confusion. I gazed straight into those eyes and whispered.

"You will never have Orze, she has already been embraced by the Goddess."
Atoraxxion: Amarillos

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