ID: 10252
Hidden Commandments of Truth (Back)
icon Knowledge
Category: Turasil's Legacy Adventure Log II

- Description:
The back of the Hidden Commandments of Truth has something written in uneven handwriting.

I dream of a sea of yellow, sky, and red flowers, dancing according to the song of birds. Never have I seen nor heard, yet those dreams alone make me feel ticklish all over. When this song ends, may you spread your wings to freely soar through the skies, born again as a fairy who bathes in morning dew and shares fruits with their animal friends.

Join in this song, Gyfin Rhasia. Close your eyes and sing, and you shall not fear this place no more. Until we are born anew as pretty little fairies, Gyfin Rhasia, join in the song. Let us await the day we become fairies to shower down blessings on all lands.

Yet no blessings shall fall upon the Arid Land.
Can be obtained through [Main Quest]
Obtained from:
icon - [O'dyllita] Hidden Commandments of Truth

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