ID: 9032/7
[EXC] Token of the Oath: 3 Weapon Exchange Coupons
KR name: [교환] 맹약의 증표 : 무기 교환권 3종
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [EXC] Token of the Oath: 3 Weapon Exchange Coupons
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [EXC] Token of the Oath: 3 Weapon Exchange Coupons
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [EXC] Token of the Oath: 3 Weapon Exchange Coupons

Start NPC:
icon - Mene
End NPC:
icon - Mene

- Description:
It seems you've collected quite a few Dehkima: Tokens of the Oath. According to rumors, the Old Moon Managers are exchanging these tokens for a rare product. Should we go see what they're offering in exchange for them?

※ This quest can be completed once per Family.
※ This quest can be completed by handing over Dehkima: Token of the Oath x1,000 to an Old Moon Manager.

Hmm... What do you plan to do with all those Tokens of the Oath?
I mean, it doesn't look like you have much use for them.
So how about I offer you something for them? Take them off your hands.
Give me- oh I don't know- shall we say a thousand tokens?
Then I will give you a gift befitting of their value.
How about it? Let me know if you're interest!

So how about I offer you something for them? Take them off your hands.
Give me- oh I don't know- shall we say a thousand tokens?
Then I will give you a gift befitting of their value.
How about it? Let me know if you're interest!

And voila! The item I promised to exchange them for.
I know, I know, I'm being far too generous.
You keep that safe now, and if anyone asks,
we've never met. Understand?

Completion Target: Mene
- Hand over Dehkima: Token of the Oath x1,000
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Mene
    Accepted quest [EXC] Token of the Oath: 3 Weapon Exchange Coupons
    Have item:
    - Dehkima: Token of the Oath x 1000
    Meet NPC: Mene
    Accepted quest [EXC] Token of the Oath: 3 Weapon Exchange Coupons
    Have item:
    - Dehkima: Token of the Oath x 1000

- Main Weapon Exchange Coupon
- Sub-weapon Exchange Coupon
- Awakening Weapon Exchange Coupon

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