Show/hide full quest's text That Yaz brat sent us a letter? Hehe. I guess that means the sun'll rise from the west tomorrow. Where'd those good-for-nothing Secret Guards go anyway? Desperately asking for help like this. Want to see what's happening at Valley Lily Inn? Hehe. Bet you're dying to see the huge mess they've gotten themselves into!
Let's get moving! What mess did she get into this time?
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_9027_1_1_Ruwen)Yaz? You mean that idiot Shai? She was summoned by Lady Lauren. The TRUE chairwoman. {AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_9027_1_2_Ruwen)Look, unless it's urgent, I think it best you wait. Word on the street is Yaz has made quite the mess of things. |