ID: 893/3
[Pet] Becoming the Alpha
KR name: [Pet] Becoming the Alpha
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Pet] Domesticated Squabbles
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Pet] Who'll Take The Lead?

Start NPC:
icon - Obi Bellen
End NPC:
icon - Obi Bellen

- Description:
Open the Tier 5 Pet Training window via Obi Bellen.

※ You can complete this quest by pressing the Tier 5 Pet Training button via Obi Bellen.

You're not sure exactly how
to appoint an alpha pet, you say?
I sense that you've already absorbed the energy,
so your preparations seem complete.
I shall enclose the details regarding the method
of training your pet to absorb the same energy.
Speak to me to attempt the Tier 5 Pet Training.
You'll understand better once you try.

Speak to me to attempt the Tier 5 Pet Training.
You'll understand better once you try.

You should now know exactly how
to train tier 5 pets.
As I mentioned earlier,
you will need a Royal Plume to proceed with the training.
Then you'll be able to train the best pet to appoint as your alpha.
I bid you pleasant travels.
※ You can craft the Royal Plume via Simple Alchemy with Magical Shard x40,
Growth Reagent x10, and Fine Lightweight Plume x800.
※ Details on crafting the Royal Plume
are also found in the Crafting Notes.

Completion Target: Obi Bellen
- Open the Tier 5 Pet Training window via Obi Bellen
Required actions:

  1. NEW_CONDITION: checkOpenUI(55)

- Contribution EXP (100)
Quest requirements

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