ID: 8514/8
[Oduksini] Evidence Gathered #2
icon Quest
Region: Land of the Morning Light
Category: Main Story
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Oduksini] A Father and Son Conversation
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Oduksini] Evidence Gathered #1
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Oduksini] When the Sun Rises

Start NPC:
icon - Miss Myo
End NPC:
icon - Miss Myo

- Description:
Dolswe wants to continue the discussion. Let's talk to Miss Myo again.

{ChangeScene(MorningMain_14_009){AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_8514_8_1_Dolsha)But why is Lady Yeonhwa not saying anything?
I thought you'd be mad... What, are you daydreaming?
{ChangeScene(MorningMain_14_010){AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_8514_8_2_Yeonhwa)Huh? Oh... Hahaha... I'm listening!
Hunger makes it hard to focus.
{ChangeScene(MorningMain_14_009){AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_8514_8_3_Dolsha)Come on now, people! It's like I've been saying!
I can't change the world all by myself!

{ChangeScene(MorningMain_14_009){AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_8514_8_3_Dolsha)Come on now, people! It's like I've been saying!
I can't change the world all by myself!

{ChangeScene(MorningMain_14_020){AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_8514_8_5_MsRabbit)All the evidence of tyranny has been gathered, and I will lend my strength! Even though I'm in exile,
I'll gladly risk getting buried in a foreign land if it means doing what's right for this country, myop!
{ChangeScene(MorningMain_14_009){AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_8514_8_6_Dolsha)Yeah, right you are, Miss Myo!
We should just sit tight until we get an answer from the capital!
{ChangeScene(MorningMain_14_010){AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_8514_8_7_Yeonhwa)But hasn't the Hyungam already caught on and run off?
That means all that evidence could be destroyed at this very moment!
{ChangeScene(MorningMain_14_010){AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_8514_8_8_Yeonhwa)Dolswe, you fool! We have the traveler with us now!
Let us send them ahead to subdue the Yeongam of the East, first.
{ChangeScene(MorningMain_14_009){AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_8514_8_9_Dolsha)Huh? Did you forget that he whooped us before running off last time?
The Yeongam is not an ordinary old man, he's a beast!
{ChangeScene(MorningMain_14_009){AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_8514_8_10_Dolsha)And, if we miss our chance this time, it's all over!!
We have to get it right the first time!! I'll gather people quick, so wait quietly, okay?

Completion Target: Miss Myo
- Discuss the evidence
- Discuss the evidence
- Discuss the evidence
- Discuss the evidence
- Discuss the evidence
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Miss Myo
    Accepted quest [Oduksini] Evidence Gathered #2
    Meet NPC: Miss Myo
    Accepted quest [Oduksini] Evidence Gathered #2
  2. Meet NPC: Miss Myo
    Accepted quest [Oduksini] Evidence Gathered #2
    Meet NPC: Miss Myo
    Accepted quest [Oduksini] Evidence Gathered #2
  3. Meet NPC: Miss Myo
    Accepted quest [Oduksini] Evidence Gathered #2
    Meet NPC: Miss Myo
    Accepted quest [Oduksini] Evidence Gathered #2
  4. Meet NPC: Miss Myo
    Accepted quest [Oduksini] Evidence Gathered #2
    Meet NPC: Miss Myo
    Accepted quest [Oduksini] Evidence Gathered #2
  5. Meet NPC: Miss Myo
    Accepted quest [Oduksini] Evidence Gathered #2
    Meet NPC: Miss Myo
    Accepted quest [Oduksini] Evidence Gathered #2

- Contribution EXP (500)
- EXP (1'361'615'470)
- Skill EXP
Quest requirements
Required to open quests

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