ID: 834/3
Book of Margahan Chapter 3
KR name: 마가한 서 3장
icon Quest
Region: All
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Old Moon Logs, Book 1, Chapter 3
Special adventure logs available during events.
Reach Lv. 58, accept and complete [Adventure Log] Old Moon Logs from the Black Spirit

First quest in the chain:
icon - Book of Margahan Chapter 1
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Book of Margahan Chapter 2
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Book of Margahan Chapter 4

Start NPC:
Quest starts automatically
End NPC:
Quest ends automatically

- Description:
Book of Margahan Chapter 3

From father to son,
and again from the son to son,

generations change with time.
And soon, another evil entered the minds of men.

To make the offering easier, or to simply make it bigger,
people started to trespass on another's land and steal,
and even hurt others.

The more cunning did so more subtly,
so none would know about their crimes.

On one promised day, however, Agris saw blood on the grains the humans offered,
which greatly infuriated him.

He immediately burned all the offerings
and punished the sinners by confining them all in a cave until they died.

※ This adventure log must be completed in order.
Obtain the reward after completing the log to continue onto the next chapter.

Look for another goal within immediate reach to get stronger.

Quick, open it!

Good job! We did it!
Hehe. Did you by any chance find its ring?

Completion Target: Black Spirit
- Go to the hidden place in the coastal cave of Velia
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Trace of the fallen ones
    Accepted quest Book of Margahan Chapter 3
    Meet NPC: Trace of the fallen ones
    Accepted quest Book of Margahan Chapter 3

- Fragment of Agris Stone Tablet

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