ID: 7528/8
Turning Crisis into Opportunity
icon Quest
Region: Eilton
Category: Production
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

Next quest in the chain:
icon - Very Precious Fertilizer

Start NPC:
icon - Umter
End NPC:
icon - Umter

- Description:
Umter requests to collect fluid from Snowfield Cedar Saps for making snowshoes.

Yes, I do remember!
The words of a visitor from outside.
When you boil with the Snowfield Cedar Sap when making the frame of a snowshoe
it has similar effects as applying fish oil.
I was going to try it someday,
I think now is the best time!
Could you get me some Snowfield Cedar Sap?
Cedar Sap from other regions won't work.
It has to be Snowfield Cedar Sap
from trees that grow nearby! It has to!

Turning crisis into an opportunity!
We might be able to make better snowshoes, you never know!

Okay. We could make a new snowshoe frame with this!
I'll make you one, too, Adventurer, if it turns out well.

Completion Target: Umter
- Collect Snowfield Cedar Sap
- Hand over Snowfield Cedar Sap to Umter
Required actions:
  1. Obtain item:
    - Snowfield Cedar Sap (20)
  2. Meet NPC: Umter
    Accepted quest Turning Crisis into Opportunity
    Have item:
    - Snowfield Cedar Sap x 20
    Meet NPC: Umter
    Accepted quest Turning Crisis into Opportunity
    Have item:
    - Snowfield Cedar Sap x 20

- Contribution EXP (500)
- EXP (100)
- Well-brewed Mesima Tea
- Oxiterr Crystal
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Ordering Service

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