ID: 7506/1
Lamila's Concern
icon Quest
Region: Eilton
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

Next quest in the chain:
icon - Music Over Trading

Start NPC:
icon - Lamila
End NPC:
icon - Lisae

- Description:
Lamila, the inn keeper at Pilgrim's End can't stop sighing. Go to Lamila and listen to her concern.

Hey, Adventurer! Can you see
the Trade Manager over there?
She's actually my daughter! Despite giving birth to at an old age,
and always hoped our relationship would be like close friends.
But... I'm so well into my life that I'm afraid
I'm just unable to connect with her on that level.
I know that my daughter is concerned about many things,
my age among them, but she won't really open up to me.
A mother can always sense when something
is troubling their daughter, however.
Can you meet my daughter Lisae
and find out what's troubling her?

Can you meet my daughter Lisae
and ask what's troubling her?

Do-re-mi! Ahem!
Hello! How can I help you?

Completion Target: Lisae
- Listen to Lamila's concern
- Meet Lisae
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Lamila
  2. Meet NPC: Lisae

- Contribution EXP (250)
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Level: 40+
Required to open quests

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