ID: 742/2
Leebur's Hiding Spot
KR name: 리브르가 숨어있는 곳
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Start NPC:
icon - Odelphin
End NPC:
icon - Odelphin

- Description:
Odelphin asked you to help get the Secret Scroll of Gerez from her father to find out where Leebur is. Gerez, Odelphin's father, won't hand it over easily, so let's just take it.

I never expected the White Wolf Leebur to appear again.
I want it to be defeated once and for all, but I don't there is anyone here
capable of doing so.
...Are you sure? I know it'll pay well but if you die, I won't take any responsibility!
Okay then, if you are sure go to my father.
He has a secret scroll with Leebur's location on it.
He says it's too dangerous and doesn't want people to know where Leebur is.
I think he doesn't want anyone to die on a fool's errand.
But he forgets, we are all mercenaries here.
We're a crafty bunch, no?
By any means, you must retrieve it!

By any means, you must retrieve it!
But do be careful not to get caught!

Haha, my father has such terrible handwriting.
Here, let me decipher that for you.
Okay, I'm done.
Be careful and come back to me when you have defeated Leebur!

Completion Target: Odelphin
- Steal the Secret Scroll of Gerez and give it to Odelphin
Required actions:
  1. Give item:
    - Secret Scroll of Gerez (1) NPC: icon - Odelphin

- Contribution EXP (100)
- Blood Wolf Boss Summon Scroll
Quest requirements

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