ID: 7112/1
Valuable Information
KR name: 값비싼 정보
icon Quest
Region: Drieghan
Category: Recurring Quests
Type: Family quest
Level: 1
Repeat: 7d

Next quest in the chain:
icon - Inverting the Energy

Start NPC:
icon - Hughol
End NPC:
icon - Hughol

- Description:
Let's pay Hughol to get information on how to use Garmoth's Heart crystals.

※ This quest is available again after 7 days (168 hours).

That thing you are's not a Garmoth's Heart crystal, is it?
Where did you get it?
It must not have been easy to get ahold of.
Hm...I've never actually seen one before.
What do you say, will you sell it to me?
What, no? Don't be silly.
That thing is of no use to you, if you don't know how to use it!
Well...I guess I could teach you how to use it.
For a price, that is...
Show me the money!

This information extremely valuable.
Are you willing to pay for it?

So, do you get how to use Garmoth's Heart crystals now?

Completion Target: Hughol
- Give Gold Bar 1G x2 to Hughol
- Listen to Hughol talk about Garmoth's Heart crystals
Required actions:
  1. Give item:
    - Gold Bar 1G (2)
  2. Get knowledge:
    icon - Inverted Heart of Garmoth

- Contribution EXP (10)
Quest requirements
Have item:
- Garmoth's Heart x >0
Level: 100+
Required to open quests

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