Quest Region: Drieghan Category: Recurring Quests Type: Family quest Level: 1 Repeat: 1d | |
First quest in the chain: - [Gathering] Strong Timber Previous quest in the chain: - [Processing] The Beauty of Planks Next quest in the chain: - [Gathering] The Tears of Trees Show/hide full quest chain | |
Start NPC: - Worker End NPC: - Worker | |
- Description: The worker at Khimut Lumber Camp asked you to make a pine plywood. ※ Use Chopping in the Processing window to make Pine Plank x10 into Pine Plywood. ※ This quest is available again after midnight (server time) every day unless you have already completed the quest that day. | |
Show/hide full quest's text If you time to chat, you can help me with my work. Let's se...I need a pine plywood. Can you make one for me? I'm working, don't distract me until you are done. Look at how glossy the plywood is. It will make good furniture. | |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Worker - Make pine plywood - Give pine plywood Required actions:
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Basic - Recover 10 Energy Select - Pine Sap - Pine Plywood |