ID: 7012/7
The One that Flew Away
KR name: The One that Flew Away
icon Quest
Region: Drieghan
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Great Hawk Hunter
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - The Hawk Expert I
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Feeding the Hawk II

Start NPC:
icon - Kyisa
End NPC:
icon - Armin

- Description:
Kyisa mentioned a new way to tame the hawk while speaking of a baby hawk he once reared that never returned that shared some traits with Armin's hawk. Let's return to Armin.

From time to time, there are hawks
who have quite the specific diet, like a preference for yak meat.
Some hawks are born relatively weak
compared to the rest of the flock.
And because yak meat is great for recovering energy,
we feed such weaker hawks yak meat
in hopes of raising them to be stronger.
Sadly, only a few survive....
I've raised a hawk
like the one you mentioned before.
Born weakest of its flock,
it was always picked on by the others.
The poor creature's beak was scarred
from constantly being attacked by other hawks.
And yet, once that reckless critter hit two years of age,
it flew the coop and hasn't returned since...
Anyways, try giving your hawk
some yak meat.
If it accepts the food, try coaxing it by calling it "Hauxe."
If your hawk is the same one I used to raise, that'll calm it down.
And, if it's okay with you,
please come back to me and tell me how it all played out.

Give it some yak meat, then coax it by calling it, "Hauxe."
That'll calm it down.

{ChangeScene(SubQuest_Drigan_Child_7012_1)Ahh, adventurer! You're finally here!
I'm still trying to calm my hawk down... Argh, stop it!

Completion Target: Armin
- Speak to Armin
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Armin

- Contribution EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - The Hawk Expert I
Required to open quests

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